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8 Simple Health Hack You Can Use Everyday

Health Hacks

8 Simple Health Hack You Can Use Everyday

Health Hack You Can Use Everyday

Yet most of us find ourselves foot-dragging at the prospect of a major overhaul to our comfortable routines. What to do? Look for hacks! Hacks are shortcuts that make getting to our destination a bit less overwhelming.

Here’s a collections of 8 Health Hack you can use everyday with minimal effort, time and cost. Start with the one that appeals to you most, and aim to make it a habit before moving on. Soon you’ll be “hack stacking” and experiencing big breakthroughs in your health and well-being without feeling like you sacrificed anything at all.

1. Take a cold shower.

It’s cold showers that have an impressive array of benefits. And you need nothing other than a hefty dose of willpower to take advantage of them. One cold shower a day (lukewarm water won’t cut it) will improve circulation, increase metabolism, tighten pores, boost immunity and alertness, and speed recovery from a tough workout.

2. Eat without distractions.

The first step toward becoming a mindful eater is to remove distractions, which is one of the most important in health Hacks you can use everyday, so close your laptop, put away your phone, shut off the TV, and turn your full attention to the food in front of you. It’s the practice of paying full attention to the eating experience: recognizing your hunger and fullness cues, noticing your emotions, observing the aromas, flavors, and textures of the foods. When you eat mindfully, you naturally slow down, eat less, and enjoy improved digestion.

3. Breathe into your belly.

Lie on your back, close your eyes, think good thoughts, and send big, deep breaths to your belly. To enhance focus, place a moderately heavy object, like a kettlebell or encyclopedia, on your belly, and notice it rise and fall with each breath. Breathing deeply into your belly — “diaphragmatic breathing” — for just 5 to 10 minutes a day can lower blood pressure, slow the aging process, and improve mental focus and sleep quality.

4. Have a mindful moment.

A mindful moment can help you improver your health hacks everyday, As you go through the motions, stay in the moment by using your senses — notice the soap bubbles glistening on the dishes, the hum of the blow dryer, the sensation of your feet making contact with the ground. When you catch yourself thinking about your boss or your lunch plans, gently bring yourself back to the task at hand.

5. Do a 10-minute Hit Workout.

The ‘80s aerobics craze gave us grapevines and high-knee jogs, but it may also shoulder blame for a common misconception: that unless you’re going to work out for 60 consecutive minutes, you shouldn’t bother snapping on your headband. Enter High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which, in a well-planned 10 minutes, can blow that one-hour step class out of the water. Don’t know where to start? Here’s a 10-minute bodyweight workout you can do today.

6. Have yourself a hearty laugh.

From boosting your immune system and lowering stress to reducing pain and preventing heart disease, laughter is considered by many health professionals to be one of nature’s best medicines for both mental and physical health.

7. Learn something new.

The connections between the nerve cells in our brains (neurons) are capable of multiplying and growing stronger as we age, but only if we keep challenging them with new information. So aspire to learn something new — maybe set a goal that frightens you a bit, like learning how to write in Japanese or program in Ruby — and chip away at it each day. There’s no end to online learning options, so start building that muscle in your head!

8. Try intermittent fasting.

Have you already fast to some degree without thinking about it?, but 8 hours is probably your norm, less if you’re a late-night snacker. If you’re trying to lose weight, avoid overeating when your fasting period ends; just resume your normal meals. Yes, you’ll be hungry at first, but adjusting won’t take long.

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